
AODA Policy

Baicorp Financial Inc. Accessibility Statement.

1. Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities

1.1 Our mission

Baicorp’s mission in establishing its Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) policy is to ensure a policy that reflects Baicorp’s values and that complies with accessibility standards as outlined in the AODA. Baicorp’s policy was developed in accordance with the requirements of Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 under the AODA, and applies to the provision of goods and services to the public or other third parties.

We endeavour to ensure that the policy and related practices and procedures are consistent with the following four (4) core principles:

  1. Dignity-Persons with a disability must be treated as valued persons as deserving of service as any other person.
  2. Equality of Opportunity- Persons with a disability should be given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use and benefit from our services.
  3. Integration-wherever reasonably possible, persons with a disability should benefit from our services in the same way as any other customer. In circumstances where integration does not serve the needs of the person with a disability, services will, to the extent reasonably possible, be provided in another way that takes into account the person’s individual needs.
  4. Independence-Services must be provided in a way that respects the independence of persons with a disability. To this end, we will always be willing to assist a person with a disability but will not do so without their permission.

1.2 Our commitment

In fulfilling our mission, Baicorp strives at all times to provide its goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers. Information and services will be provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of the individual.

Baicorp is committed to excellence in serving all persons including persons with disabilities and is dedicated to providing accessible services as described herein to better assist all current and future customers.

1.3 Providing goods and service to people with disabilities

Baicorp is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities and we will carry out our functions and responsibilities as further described below.

1.4 Communication

We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. We will train staff who communicate with customers on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.

1.5 Telephone services

We are committed to providing fully accessible telephone service to our customers. We will train staff to communicate with customers over the telephone in clear and plain language and to speak clearly and slowly. We will offer to communicate with customers by email if telephone communication is not suitable to their communication needs or is not available.

1.6 Assistive devices

We are committed to serving people with disabilities who use assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from our goods and services. We will ensure that our staff is trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods or services.

1.7 Billing

We are committed to providing accessible invoices to all of our customers. For this reason, invoices will be provided in the following formats upon request: Hard copy, large print, email. We will answer any questions customers may have about the content of the invoice in person, by telephone or email.

1.8 Use of service animals and support persons

We are committed to welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal on the parts of our premises that are open to the public and other third parties. We will also ensure that all staff, volunteers and others dealing with the public are properly trained in how to interact with people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal. We are committed to welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person. Any person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to enter Baicorp’s premises with his or her support person. At no time will a person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to his or her support person while on our premises.

1.9 Notice of temporary disruption

Baicorp will provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services usually used by people with disabilities, where applicable and reasonable under the circumstances. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.

1.10 Accessibility Training Policy

Baicorp will ensure that all persons to whom this policy applies receive training as required by the Accessibility for Customer Service. This includes our company employees, volunteers, agents, contractors and others who provide services on behalf of the company. They will receive training regarding the provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities.

1.11 Training for staff

Baicorp will provide training to all employees, volunteers and others who deal with the public or other third parties on their behalf, and all those who are involved in the development and approvals of customer service policies, practices and procedures. This training will be provided within the first 3 months of staff being hired by Baicorp, after staff commence their duties. Training will include the following:

  • The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard.
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing Baicorp’s goods and services
  • Baicorp policies, practices and procedures relating to the customer service standard. Applicable staff will be trained on policies, practices and procedures that affect the way goods and services are provided to people with disabilities. Staff will also be trained on an ongoing basis when changes are made to these policies, practices and procedures.


2.1 Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees

By January 2017, upon the request of an Employee of Disability, Baicorp will consult with the Employee to provide, or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for information that is needed to perform the Employee’s job, and information that is generally available to other Employees. In determining suitability of an accessible format or communication support, Baicorp will consult with the Employee making the request.

2.2 Informing Employees of Supports

By January 2017, Baicorp will inform its employees of its policies and any changes to those policies used to support Employees with disabilities, including but not limited to policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account an Employee’s accessibility needs due to disability. Baicorp will provide this information to new Employees as soon as practicable after commencing employment.

2.3 Workplace Emergency Response Information

Baicorp will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees with a disability, if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary, and if Baicorp is aware of the need for accommodation due to the Employee’s Disability, Baicorp will provide this information as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the need for accommodation. Where the Employee requires assistance, Baicorp will with the consent of the Employee, provide the workplace emergency response information to the person designated by Baicorp to provide assistance to the employee. Baicorp will review the individualized workplace emergency response information when an Employee moves to a different location in the organization, when the employee’s overall accommodations needs or plans are reviewed and when Baicorp reviews its general emergency response policies.

2.4 Recruitment, Assessment or Selection Process

By January 2017, Baicorp will notify its Employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment process. Baicorp will notify job applicants when they are individually selected to participate further in an assessment or selection process that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used. If a selected applicant requests an accommodation, Baicorp will consult with the applicant and provide, or arrange for the provision of, a suitable accommodation in a manner that takes into account the applicant’s accessibility needs due to disability.

2.5 Notice to Successful Applicants

By January 2017, when making offers of employment, Baicorp will notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.

2.6 Return to Work Process

By January 2017, Baicorp will develop and have in place a documented return to work process for its employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and who require disability related accommodations in order to return to work. The return to work process will outline the steps Baicorp will take to facilitate the return to work and will include documented individual accommodation plans as part of the process. This return to work process will not replace or override any other return to work process created by or under any other statute.

2.7 Performance Management, Career Development and Advancement and Redeployment

By January 2017, Baicorp will take into account the accessibility needs of Employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans when conducting performance management, providing career development and advancement to Employees, or when redeploying Employees.

2.8 Feedback process

The ultimate goal of Baicorp is to meet and surpass customer expectations while serving customers and employees with disabilities. Comments on our services regarding how well those expectations are being met are welcome and appreciated.

Feedback regarding the way Baicorp provides goods and services to people with disabilities can be made by e-mail or by phone to Baicorp. All feedback will be directed to the Privacy Officer,Baicorp. Feedback can be provided in a variety of ways, in person, by mail or email, by telephone, fax or otherwise. If you have any feedback or questions, please contact: ph 416.626.8786 x7339, email: privacy@baicorp.ca

Complaints will be addressed according to complaint categories already established in our company’s complaint management procedures. All feedback received will be kept confidential. A feedback form can be made available upon request.

The organization will provide the public notice of the availability of the documents, as required by the Accessibility standards for customer service, upon request. Notice of availability will be provided on the website and through other printed methods.

2.9 Modifications to this or other policies

We are committed to developing customer service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will be made to this policy before considering the impact on people with disabilities. This policy and its related procedures will be reviewed as required in the event of legislative changes.

Questions about this policy

This policy exists to achieve service excellence to customers with disabilities. If anyone has a question about the policy, or if the purpose of a policy is not understood, an explanation should be provided by, or referred to the Privacy Officer at: 905-844-8820, email: privacy@bbaicorp.ca

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