
Group Retirement

Get your employees ready for retirement with a group retirement savings plan.
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Baicorp helps you find the right retirement solution for you and your business

Highly involved every step of the way, we see all our clients at least twice a year

Review and advise annually to ensure the plan is still the best option for your company

The Baicorp Approach


We take the time to understand your employees through surveys and analyzing current investment and saving patterns allowing us to take the pulse of your employees Financial Wellness.

Working with you in figuring out your hiring goals, your historical issues and budgetary restraints and objectives allows us to build a foundation of understanding.


After discovery we discuss and analyze all your options in choosing the right plan for your business and its employees. Structuring plans based on turnover and compensation analysis. We provide a matching formula, negotiating fees on your behalf and ensuring your plan is competitive to the marketplace.


You are our client and we want to get to know your employees and become a trusted partner. We go through the application process with you and provide enrollment sessions for you and your employees just to make sure the transition is easy and smooth. Implementation is one of the most critical elements of onboarding a new plan, and it is imperative it is done cleanly.


We build financial planning topics for employees based on demographics. We work closely with management to ensure goals are being met and the company is competitive. Optional feedback reports are provided to ensure we are exceeding targets.

On a macro level, we go over the funds being offered, plan adjustments, fiduciary concerns, CAP guidelines and more.

Talk to an advisor and get a retirement program tailored to your business

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Get retirement ready with Baicorp

Attract, retain and reward quality employees with a Group Retirement plan that will make you a more competitive employer.Saving for retirement has become increasingly important as our population ages. Baicorp is ready to combine our expert knowledge with the wide range of retirement products and services we provide. This will help to create solutions that are tailored to your business.

Attract and Retain Quality Employees

Registered plans, such as Group RRSPs and pension plans, enable you to save money over a long period of time.This is why a group retirement savings plan is a very effective method of attracting and retaining quality employees, and can also offer significant tax-sheltering opportunities.

Customized investment plans for your employees’ future

As an independent consultant/broker we work with a number of insurance and investment companies so that we are able to match your needs with a choice of solutions for your business.Our specialists are well-versed in all aspects of Group Retirement Plan Design and Administration and can advise you closely on what plans would suit your business goals and objectives. In addition, Baicorp works hard to ensure that our information and products are best in class and that we are able to address your needs – regardless of their complexity or varying financial goal.

Support for plan members and sponsors

Our group retirement savings plans offer the following additional benefits:
  • Ensure plan designs, funding arrangements, pricing and services remain competitive in today’s environment
  • Ensure that the goals and objectives of the plan sponsor arrangement are maintained
  • Facilitate employee educational sessions on an on-going basis
  • Act as a liaison between sponsor and plan provider to ensure administration is seamless
  • Oversee plan implementation process
  • Coordinate employee communication strategy
  • Perform annual investment reviews
  • Compliance based on CAP guidelines

Get your employees retirement ready with a retirement solution from Baicorp

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)?

Similar to an individual RRSP, but members receive volume purchasing power advantage with insurance company product offering around investment management fees

What is a Defined Contribution Pension Plan?

An arrangement between a company and its employees at a fixed contribution amount, the amount of joint contribution can vary. Tax deductible and assets grow on tax deferred basis.

What is a Deferred Profit Sharing Plan?

A registered plan with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) designed to allow companies to share their profits with their employees. This is a great vehicle if you want to retain top talent because you have the option to link contributions to the company’s profits. It can also be used as a retirement or savings plan.

Not sure where to start?

Connect with an advisor to learn more about the solutions that are right for you.
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