
Save On Comprehensive Policies. Affordable Group Benefits for Canadian Businesses

Improve your business with custom benefit plans. Secure the best coverage options for your team under one cost-effective policy.
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Group Benefits Tailored To Your Company

Baicorp helps you create hybrid total compensation programs that are second to none. Mix and match benefit options from different providers and bring them all under an affordable policy.

Best Group Benefits For Businesses Of All Sizes

Baicorp helps Ontario businesses of all sizes find and deploy the best group benefits for their employees.

3 - 50 Employees

Reduce your overhead and keep your employees happy with cost-effective, custom benefit plans.

Motivate your team with health & dental insurance, pension plans, coverage for family members, and more.

50-199 Employees

Attract and retain top talent with total compensation plans that are more effective than salary raises.

Improve your team’s workplace environment with custom-tailored employee wellness, culture-building activities, employee communication sessions, and more.

200+ Employees

We work with you in aligning strategies across all departments, divisions, and countries. Systematically integrating for seamless administration and reporting to significantly reduce your bottom-line.

Our team works hands-on with consultants across the globe to deliver on your corporate objectives at a fraction of the cost.

Keep Your Team Motivated With Baicorp

At Baicorp, we believe that investing in your compensation program keeps your team motivated and engaged. That’s why we design benefit plans that address not only your budget, but also your employees’ needs. Here’s how we do it.
During the discovery phase, we seek to understand your company’s goals, demographics, culture, and budget in order to design something that’s sustainable.
Once we identify the benefit options that would delight your employees, we take popular products and tailor them to your company.
When the right solutions for your business are ready, we work with your executive team to deploy them.
Our job is not over when the solution is deployed. We meet with your executive team on a regular basis for consulting and administration.

Built For Businesses

Our services are built to support companies like yours prosper. We help keep your costs under control, and our work helps keep your employees motivated and happy.

Payroll Integrations

Baicorp integrates seamlessly with most HRIS software used in Canada. Save time and money by keeping all your data in the same place and streamlining your workflow.

Improve Employee Onboarding & Retention

Offer the kind of benefits that can convince talented hiring prospects to move to a new region just to work for you. Our custom compensation programs help you attract and retain great employees.

Ongoing Savings & Comprehensive Policies

Keep your Loss Ratios at sustainable levels with Baicorp. Save up to 50% of what you pay a regular insurance carrier and secure better compensation programs for your team.

White-Glove Service

Never lose control of your benefits spending. Our team meets regularly with your business executives or program managers to keep your claims under control, evaluate, and maintain your solution.

We also help in delivering educational content to your team, send emails informing your employees of the latest company news and launches, and more.
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Take your business to the next level with custom compensation programs. Attract and retain top talent, keep your team motivated, and boost productivity with cost-effective benefit plans

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